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Framley Parsonage & The Last Chronicle of Barset by Anthony Trollope
I fell on these two ancient paper-backs as antidotes to a direly banal Nick Hornby novel I'd just read, and was hooked. I had completely forgotten what fun Trollope is. Each book has a central, cliff-hanging story which is spun out throughout the book while his large cast of Barsetshire figures rotate round it, creating their own sub-plots, each character a masterpiece of psychological veracity. Outrageous Mrs Proudie the Bishop's wife, self-satisfied Archdeacon Grantly with his wise wife, grande dame Lady Lufton . . . Unlike his contemporary Dickens' caricature figures, Trollope's are real people. I never (well, rarely!) had to suspend my disbelief because the whole Barsetshire world is utterly believable. Wonderful stuff!
(Annabel Bedini - bwl 77 Summer 2015 )