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Books by William Shakespeare

The Complete Works
I love Kindle, and collections like this for a pittance are the greatest value on the planet. The wealth of the plays and sonnets is inexhaustible and stays fresh and alive for a lifetime, all filled with pithy comments on humanity. "Headstrong liberty is lash'd with woe" from A Comedy of Errors, just one of thousands. Highlight the quotes you cherish and read them collected in one place.
(Herb Roselle - bwl 106 Autumn 2022)

The Sonnets
Released by Touch Press in association with Faber & Faber, this is not a book but a brilliant App. You don't have to be a scholar or already a lover of the sonnets to derive enjoyment from it. Each sonnet can be accessed chronologically or they can be browsed at random. You can simply read them to yourself, or better still listen to them read by a vastly talented group of actors. A real treat.
(Jenny Baker - bwl 65 Summer 2012)