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Books by Tim Pears

In a Land of Plenty
If you enjoy family sagas, this is one for you. It tells the story of the Freeman family, their loves, hopes, fears and disappointments from the aftermath of World War II until the present day. If you watched the recent serialisation on TV, it's not only intriguing to discover some of the omissions and gaps but also to realise how brilliantly cast it was and how faithfully, in the main, it kept to the book.
(Jenny Baker - bwl 9 June 2001)

The Horseman
The first of a trilogy about rural life in the West Country just before the WW I. This background has been used many times before but Pears's style of presentation is most unusual and he uses it to great advantage. The story opens with a detailed description of a boy carefully and lovingly grooming a horse. We are gradually introduced to the many other characters who work on the estate until the story slowly emerges.
(Judith Peppitt - bwl 92 Spring 2019)

The Wanderers
This is the second novel in the West Country trilogy by Tim Pears. It is a vivid description of rural life in Devon and Cornwall just before WWI. Some things were familiar to me as my Cornish mother was born in 1908. What gives this novel authenticity is that despite the beauty of the language Pears does not spare his readers any of the harsh details of life at that time particularly when dealing with animal husbandry.
(Judith Peppitt - bwl 93 Summer 2019)