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Books by Stephen Clarke

1000 Years of Annoying the French
Clarke, a Brit living in France, understands both the French and the English on their own terms, but is fascinated by their differences and their 'love-hate' relationship. This brilliant book with its serious undertone, is knowledgeable, full of entertaining anecdotes and gossip, and is as up to date as it can be. Sympathetic to issues both French and English, cheerful and devoid of pedantry: a book to read, to give to one's Francophile, or perhaps better still one's Francophobe, friends.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 61 Summer 2011)

Talk to the Snail: Ten Commandments for Understanding the French
Clarke not only understands the French, a major undertaking for anyone who isn't French but he has great sympathy for their peculiarities (I hesitate, being also a Brit, to call them failings ). This book about What, Why and How to Cope is not only hugely entertaining but serious and fair and, if one is, as Clarke says, linguistically challenged, one can get away with no knowledge of the language at all. Endearingly, his humour is often directed at himself and he never carps. Totally satisfying.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 61 Summer 2011)

Year in the Merde, A
This book is a 'hoot' from beginning to end! Paul West, a young Englishman goes to Paris for a year to work in a French company and gives a racy description of his experiences, primarily with the girls there. Never a dull moment. Thoroughly disrespectful. I recommend it to anyone feeling in need of a good laugh.
(Jeremy Swann - bwl 32 November 2005)