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Books by Simon Louvish

Keystone: The Life and Clowns of Mack Sennett
A name from the earliest, chaotic days of the movies, I was never really sure what he was - Director? Actor? Clown? All of the above but Sennett made (and lost) his fortune as the founder of Keystone Studios, discovering and developing so many silent era stars that 'Start with Sennett, get rich somewhere else!' became a Hollywood cliché. Caught by the Wall Street crash and the rise of cartoons his reign was brief but colourful.
(Clive Yelf - bwl 76 Spring 2015)

Stan and Ollie: The Roots of Comedy
An evocative trip through the early days of cinema through the lives of my favourite Golden Age comedians. Stan and Ollie were both experienced silent actors before getting together - Stan a potential lead and Ollie a ubiquitous 'heavy'. It's Stan who comes across as the more complex and interesting character - son of a well-known comedian, understudy to Chaplin, consummate gag-writer, director and eccentric wife collector! A story of fascinating people told by a real fan.
(Clive Yelf - bwl 63 Winter 2011)