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Books by Sebastian Haffner

Written two years after Churchill's death, this book with it's author's empathy and understanding is as fresh now as when it was published. Haffner's critical insight into the great man's character, faults and errors of judgment, his analysis of the military man versus the politician, the fairness which highlights his obvious deep admiration, the passion and drive with which he writes, not to mention the many insightful photographs, is surprisingly complete in its 177 pages. A remarkable and memorable experience.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 103 Winter 2022)

Defying Hitler: The Story of a German, 1914-1933
This extraordinary 'small political biography' was found in a hidden drawer, translated and published by his son Oliver Pretzel, after the death of the author and is now perhaps even more fascinating to the reader, almost ninety years later, by his clear, keen and poignant observations of Nazi Germany. It is as though a traveller had arrived in England and had described the insidiousness and total viciousness of what was happening to him and to so many others. A shattering read.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 102 Autumn 2021)

Germany, Jekyll & Hyde: An Eyewitness Analysis of Nazi Germany
Written in 1940 by a German who emigrated to England, this is still unmatched as a contemporary analysis of the Third Riech. So remarkable that the writer could, so early on, produce such acute insights into Hitler's character, political hold over Germany and his prescience and foresight is uncanny as one reads it with the hindsight and knowledge we now have. A very dynamic and dramatic read.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 102 Autumn 2021)