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Books by Peter Temple

The Broken Shore & Truth
Having recently read The Broken Shore, a fast-paced totally engaging story about a police investigation in Melbourne, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next offering from this writer, and was lucky enough to receive Truth - which won the 2010 Miles Franklin Award* - as a Christmas present. The Broken Shore has a flawed but not unattractive cop as its main protagonist, and one of the strengths of the new novel, Truth, is that it focuses on and develops one of the earlier book's characters. This is a great hook and the little nod of familiarity is very satisfying. Once over the confronting use of the colourful vernacular, one recognises a distinct if awful lyric gift in this author. A good duo, especially if you are snowed in!
*Editor's note: This annual Australian award is comparable to the Booker Prize. As Margaret says: Not usual for Crime to even get a look in.
(Margaret Teh - bwl 59 Winter 2011)