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Books by Neil Gaiman

American Gods
A war is about to start - a war between the 'old' gods, those brought to America in the minds of immigrants from the earliest times, and the 'new' gods of technology. Caught up in this war is Shadow, an ex-con and everyman. This is a big fantasy but Gaiman's world is uncompromisingly contemporary. The fantasy springs from the myths and beliefs that are woven into society. Tough, gritty, full of ideas and absorbing.
(Ferelith Hordon - bwl 19 June 2003)

A dark wonderland for the modern world. But down this rabbit hole is London Below, where all those who slip through the cracks end up. By helping a lady called Door, Richard - a hapless everyman - accidentally gets drawn in to this world and tags along to help her avenge her family's murder. Blending mythology with Tube names (it's no surprise there's an angel called Islington), this story conjures up a mystical place underneath our feet.
(Kate Ellis - bwl 72 Spring 2014)

The Graveyard Book
If you want a modern fairytale, then Gaiman is your author. Nobody Owens has been given the Freedom of the Graveyard when, as a baby, he is found there after the brutal murder of his parents. We follow Bod as he grows up, meeting a variety of creatures from ghost and folk tale on the way, always aware of the threat that hangs over him. This is a book to read aloud at bedtime. Highly recommended.
(Ferelith Hordon - bwl 49 January 2009)