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Books by Lynne Truss

Eats, Shoots and Leaves - The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
If the misuse of an apostrophe, comma, semi-colon or what-have-you sets your teeth on edge, or if you're somebody who is unsure how to apply the finer points of punctuation, then this book is for you. In fact it's been a 'for you' for a huge number of people since its publication at the end of 2003. Its journalistic style is a bit off-putting, but it's packed with useful snippets of information. I enjoyed it.
(Jenny Baker - bwl 22 February 2004)

Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
An erudite and amusing historical survey of punctuation from Charlemagne to George OrwelI and beyond and also a plea to preserve the traditional system of printing convention before it gets completely swept up into the greedy maw of the Internet and destroyed forever. Not only for language sticklers, it is wonderful for those snatched bits of breathing time between chores or even just for a 'toes up' on the sofa with a drink, very restoring!
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 98 Autumn 2020)

Talk to the Hand - The Utter Bloody Rudeness of Everyday Life (or Six Good Reasons to stay home and bolt the door)
'Talk to the hand 'cos the face ain't listening' is apparently the saying that gave this its title, though I failed to find its origin. Does any reader know? While not in the same league as the best-selling Eats, Shoots and Leaves (bwl 22), this book about manners (but don't expect knives and forks or thank-you letters) has got the Lynne Truss touch, making it both readable and funny.
(Wendy Swann - bwl 35 July 2006)