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Books by Julia Hamilton

A Pillar of Society
A marvelous read, meaty with considerations of the various realities of life when it comes to human relationships; poetic and sensitive, with round characters who constantly surprise. Hamilton is full of worldly wisdom giving food for thought without being too weighty about it. It is set in a privileged milieu but one that the reader can relate to. Highly recommended for vacation and travel.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 19 June 2003)

After Julia and Forbidden Fruits
Two other suggestions for holiday reading. After Julia is again very analytical and understanding of the darker side of the human emotional drive. Alas Forbidden Fruits is much more superficial, a bit wooden and contrived and although clever seems to lack inspiration. However, as Hamilton cannot write badly, it is not bad entertainment and will while away the hours of perhaps a long train, plane or coach journey!
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 19 June 2003)