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Books by James Shapiro

1599 A year in the Life of William Shakespeare
Why 1599? Much happened in England including: the 'false' Armada, the failed attempt at quelling the Irish Rebels with the subsequent execution of Exeter, and a growing concern over Elizabeth's health. The year is also full of clues about Shakespeare and the author finds much evidence to build up a picture of the poet and dramatist's life in London and Stratford-upon-Avon, as he becomes both famous and relatively wealthy. A totally absorbing and illuminating read.
(James Baker - bwl 37 December 2006)

Contested Will
Anyone who has read Shapiro's 1599 (bwl 37) may wonder if he can add to his reputation for the authentic re-creation of late Elizabethan life centred around the theatre. They will not be disappointed. This time he goes straight to the heart of the great mystery: Who was Shakespeare? And did he really write some of the greatest plays and poetry in the English language? His answer is an unequivocal "Yes", as he conclusively exposes the weaknesses of any opposition and of alternative candidates.
(James Baker - bwl 58 Autumn 2010)

The Year of Lear
This brilliant book manages to encompass, through Shakespeare and his plays, not only a broad study of theatre at the time, but - through a detailed analysis of the Gunpowder Plot and a well-informed description of the Plague in those years - to entwine a great deal of history as well. Filled with much hitherto little-known or unpublished information, written with exceptional clarity, it reads like a thriller and has great meaning for our time as well.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 79 Winter 2016)