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Books by Eric Lax

The Mould in Dr Florey's Coat - How Penicillin Began the Age of Miracle Cures
Say penicillin - think Fleming? No, think Florey, Chain, Heatley and their fantastic girl assistants. True, Fleming first noticed the mould and took the glory for discovering the antibiotic - but it was these Oxford based chemists using incredible ingenuity under very primitive conditions (late 30s, war time, no money) who were responsible for making it non-toxic to humans. A very exciting, minutely-recorded document of human behaviour and personalities. Why Florey's coat? Read and find out!
(Joan Jackson - bwl 34 April 2006)

Woody Allen: A Biography
Written before Woody's split with Mia Farrow this autobiography is able to concentrate more on his influences, early years and cinematic themes than would probably be possible were it written now. As such it is both interesting and insightful for anyone curious about his unique abilities as writer, producer, director and actor in his relationship to cinema in general. Especially so if you received a box set of his DVDs as a welcome present!
(Clive Yelf - bwl 69 Summer 2013)