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Books by Elizabeth Burton

The Early Victorians at Home
The author vividly describes the home lives of people from the different social classes in England in early Victorian times. She covers amongst other things the buildings, private and public, domestic interiors, the food, medicine, recreations and gardens. Whilst her descriptions are clearly based on extensive research and go into fair detail and are at times even technical, in general they make lightish reading and every so often are brightened up by amusing comments.
(Jeremy Swann - bwl 28 February 2005)

The Early Victorians at Home
Do you know what day to day life in Victorian times was really like? This detailed account provides a fascinating portrait of the houses, furniture, food (much of it unfit for human consumption), medicine, recreations and gardens, at all levels of society. This is basically a scholarly work and the author quotes numerous sources. It is enlivened by her wry comments and frequent anecdotes and quotations.
(Wendy Swann - bwl 41 August 2007)