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Books by Boris Johnson

Have I Got Views for You
And now he's standing for Mayor of London! But from way back as contributor and editor of The Spectator magazine and popular celebrity on TV, he is renowned as a bit of a clown in the UK. His weapon is humour behind which he makes salient points about serious subjects from politics to personalities. Whatever one's political affiliation, it's a good, entertaining and thought provoking read. You won't be disappointed.
(James Baker - bwl 42 October 2007)

The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History
So personally involved with his subject, nonetheless amazingly fair and objective, written with huge respect, love, understanding and an enormous sense of history, scholarly but not pedantic, never failing to explain the opposition's point of view, this is an extraordinary book written about an extraordinary man by another; in this case one can really say it takes one to know one. Churchill comes alive again, warts and all; a unique and most rewarding experience from one politician to another.
(Kathie Somerwil Ayrton - bwl 76 Spring 2015)

The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History
History - always the inevitable outcome of impersonal and imponderable forces or can a single man affect its course? In this particular case, the author argues, most decidedly the latter. Covering all aspects of Churchill's life and career, it's a lively and informative read with Johnson's enthusiasm and admiration for his subject's capacity for work, journalistic background, outsider status and self-determination shining through. Might we see Boris sporting a bow-tie and chomping on cigars soon?
(Clive Yelf - bwl 80 Spring 2016)